Language is part of culture and language that enables the development of culture as we know ittoday. Language can also play a role as a tool for social integration as well as a tool for socialadapt…
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, khususnya di program S1, memiliki karakteristik tersendiri karena mata kuliah bahasa Inggris sebagai mata kuliah umum (MKU), dan biasanya mahasiswa sudah pernah belajar…
Segala Puji syukur saya ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat dan bimbingan-Nya, sehingga saya mampu menyusun Questioning Strategy untuk siswa SMA/ MA program IPS.Modul in…
This reseacrh discusses the use of address forms created in a conversation in a film entitled 12 Angry Men [1957).This study was conducted to look at the forms of address formsused by participants …
Berita hangat yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu masyarakat adalah berita yang menyangkut pilpres dan dengan segala isu yang disajikan oleh penulisnya. Berita yang dihadirkan ke hadapan pembaca apakah be…
In teaching reading comprehension, teaching strategy influence students’ reading comprehension. Strategy which was used in this experimental research was Questioning strategy. Questioning strateg…
Language production is logically divided into three major steps: deciding what toexpress (conceptualization), determining how to express it (formulation), and expressing it(articulation). Although …
In English there are four skills that are known: hearing, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is one of the most important components in English, writing can be done anywhere either at school, a…